High-Yield: US stocks with dividend yield greater than 5%

High-Yield Results

In this edition of Value Reports we identify US stocks with dividend yield greater than 5% in 2017 and whose yield has grown in each of the last 3 years.

We used the Economatica system to identify the 11 stocks which provided shareholders with high-yield greater than 5% in 2017 and whose yield actually grew in each of the last 3 years. And, for the purposes of this examination, we excluded REITs and stocks which paid out special dividends during the period.

Topping this high yielding group is Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc., with a dividend yield of 9.43% last year. The next two stocks which rewarded investors with high yields in 2017 are Pattern Energy Group, Inc. and Holly Energy Partners, LP, with yields of 8.81% and 7.81% respectively.

When we estimate the forward dividend yield values for 2018 our assumption is the stocks will pay the same dividends they paid out to shareholders in 2017.

When we examine the projected values for these same stocks Stage Stores, Inc. may offer shareholders a yield of 17.86% should the company pay out  $0.30 in dividend per share over the course of the next 12 months. The next two potentially highest yields go to Gamestop Corporation and Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc.

More interesting than these estimated yields is the possibility that only three companies will meet the criteria we used to identify the 11 stocks on the table below – dividend yield of greater than 5% and yields which grew in each of the preceding 3 years. These stocks include Stage Stores, Inc., Gamestop Corporation, and Genie Energy Ltd.


We also used the Economatica system to generate key metrics on these companies for further analysis and to illustrate some of the other types of information available to our users.


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